29th of May – „International Day of UN Peacekeepers”, a day dedicated this year to women in UN peacekeeping missions

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Ion Marcel Vela, congratulated the 6 women who work in the international missions under the shield of the UN, during a festivity, in a videoconference system, that was hold today at the MIA headquarters.

The event took place with the occasion of celebrating on May 29th, of the International Day of „Blue Berets”, a day dedicated this year to women in UN peacekeeping missions.

The Minister of Internal Affairs thanked them, on one hand, for the dedication and responsibility with which they do their duty to the country, as well as for the professionalism and courage they show in each mission they successfully fulfill.

”For the appreciation I have for our colleagues who promote the image, the reputation of the MIA, but also the interests of Romania around the world, I decided to grant them with The Honor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs”, on the occasion of the International Day of „Blue Berets”, a day dedicated this year to women in missions, declared Marcel Vela during the videoconference.


Currently, more than 30 employees, including 6 women, participate in UN peacekeeping missions, thus directly contributing to the achievement of the UN’s goals in the field of international peace and security.

Over the 22 years of participation in international missions, more than 1,500 MIA staff (including more than 100 women) have contributed to defending world peace and maintaining stability and security in conflict or crisis areas. The missions of the Romanian police and gendarmes, men and women, have so far taken place in the following states and territories: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia, Macedonia, Georgia, Ukraine, DR Congo, Cyprus, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Mali, Liberia, Libya, Haiti, East Timor, Afghanistan, Niger, Somalia, the Gaza Strip (Rafah), respectively Moldova-Ukraine, as well as within the UN Department of Peace Operations in New York (USA) and at the UN Logistics Base in Brindisi (Italy).



On May 29th each year, the United Nations (UN) celebrate the „International Day of UN Peacekeepers”.

The UN dedicated this day to the participants in the peacekeeping missions, men and women, who have served and continue to serve the UN missions, to welcome their efforts in supporting global peace with professionalism, dedication and courage.

Considering the role and involvement of women in all efforts to maintain and promote peace and security, this year, May 29th, has a special significance, being dedicated to women working in peacekeeping missions.

In this context, on May 29th, 2020, the UN organizes activities on increasing the visibility of women in UN field missions – Female peacekeeper of the day, to highlight the important role of women in conflict prevention and resolution, in the peace-negotiations, peacebuilding, peacekeeping, humanitarian response and post-conflict reconstruction.

The UN Security Council Resolution no. 1325 regarding Women, Peace and Security for 2020-2023 is also being implemented at the national level.

The adoption of the resolution recognizes the disproportionate effect of conflict on women and emphasizes their essential role in conflict prevention, post-conflict as well as reconstruction efforts.

Increasing the promotion of women at national and international level, by strengthening their role and position in all areas of social life, is a desideratum of modern society and a common value of the Member States of the European Union, from the perspective of respecting and promoting fundamental women’s rights.

The Strategic Commitment for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men emphasizes the need to step up efforts to promote gender quality, in particular in five priority areas: economic independence for women and men, reducing the pay gap, equal opportunities in decision-making, combating and stopping gender-based violence, promoting gender equality.

In this context, the UN Security Council, through Resolution no. 1325, outlines the need for equal participation and full involvement of women in all efforts to maintain and promote peace and security, as well as the need to increase their role in decision-making regarding conflict prevention and resolution.

At the same time, in order to be in line with the objectives of the National Implementation Plan of UN Security Council Resolution no. 1325 regarding Women, Peace and Security for the years 2020 – 2023, the Ministry of Internal Affairs considers the following:

  • Increasing the number of women in missions and operations outside the national territory;
  • Increasing the participation and involvement of women in peacekeeping missions;
  • Maintaining in the curricular area of ​​the educational institutions some themes related to the prevention and combating of all forms of discrimination, respectively the prevention and combating of gender violence, within the relevant courses.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs aims, with priority, to increase the promotion of women at national and international level, increase the visibility of our institution and implicitly of the country in international organizations, but also to hold senior representation positions in UN, EU, OSCE and NATO entities. orientation focused with priority on supporting the growth of the Romanian state profile at European and international level.


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