Minister of Internal Affairs and Minister of National Defense, a working visit to Afghanistan

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Ion Marcel Vela, and the Minister of National Defense, Nicolae Ionel Ciuca, paid a working visit to Afghanistan at the military bases in Kandahar and Kabul, on Tuesday, December the 17th.


Minister Ion Marcel Vela met, in Kabul, with the 24 Romanian gendarmes representing the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who participate in the „Resolute Support” mission, during which aspects of current activities and future missions in Afghanistan were discussed.

They appreciated the fact that the Romanian gendarmes enjoy the confidence of the partners, who have noticed, in particular, the professionalism they prove when they carry out their missions, honoring Romania through their devotion.

„You are the ambassadors of Romania, we are proud of you and thank you for your efforts, sacrifice and patriotism; you are the founders of a better, safer and more beautiful world,” said Minister Vela. The minister also offered them traditional gifts, wishing them quiet and event-free holidays during the missions they are involved in.

In this context, Mr. Ion Marcel Vela reiterated the commitment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to continue the contribution to the process of consolidating the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and that some money rights will be updated from January, 1st, 2020 at the level of the partners in the theaters of operations.

During the visit, the Minister of Internal Affairs held a series of meetings with NATO representatives, discussing issues of interest regarding the „Resolute Support” Mission.


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