Alignment of Romanian identity documents to the standards established at European Union level

According to the provisions of Law no. 52/2003 regarding the decision-making transparency in the public administration, the Ministry of Internal Affairs submits to the public debate a draft Government Ordinance for the modification and completion of some normative acts that include provisions regarding the record of the persons and the identity documents of the Romanian citizens.

The project creates the national legal framework for ensuring the direct application of Regulation (EU) 2019/1157, so that the Romanian identity documents comply with the standards established at EU level, mainly those regarding the security elements.

In order to ensure the Romanian citizens the exercise of the right to free movement on the territory of the Member States of the European Union, under conditions similar to the other EU citizens, Romania is obliged to issue electronic identity documents, starting from August next year (2021).

The new identity documents come with additional security guarantees and strengthen the confidence of public institutions and the private environment that the person presenting the document is in fact the holder. Thus, major improvements are being made to the current identity document (which was put into circulation in 1997), by using advanced manufacturing technologies, security graphic elements, security material inserts and, last but not least, through the IT protection offered by electronic storage media.

Through the new identity card, Romanian citizens will be able, no matter where they are (in Romania or outside the national territory), to interact online with the public administration authorities and to request the provision of public services. As the identity is certified by mechanisms similar to the electronic signature, the physical presence of the citizen, at the counter, will no longer be necessary, as he can remotely access services, such as: registering a vehicle, obtaining a criminal record certificate, notices, authorizations or other documents from public authorities, the submission of personal statements provided by law and so on.

The new electronic identity document can be used for the authentication in the IT platform of health insurance and, under these conditions, will ensure the „functionality of the health card”.

The electronic identity document will be issued compulsory for persons of 12 years of age and, optionally, below this age, at the request of their parents or their legal representatives.

Also as an element of novelty, it creates the possibility of Romanian citizens residing abroad to obtain an electronic identity document, without having to establish their domicile in Romania.

Last but not least, for those who do not want, for any reason, an electronic identity card, there will be the option to request the issuance of a simple identity card; it will not contain electronic elements or data, but will have a high degree of security.

The new identity documents will be produced, centralized, by the National Printing Company.

The text of the draft normative act is displayed and can be consulted on the MAI web page,, at the Transparency decision-making section, as well as at the Public Relations Center in Revolution Square no. 1 A, sector 1, Bucharest.

The proposals, suggestions and opinions of the interested persons can be sent within 10 calendar days, calculated from the date of publication of the announcement on the address of receiving any proposals, suggestions or opinions:







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