Minister of Internal Affairs, Ion Marcel Vela, met with ES Mr Andrew Noble

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Ion Marcel Vela, met ES mr Andrew Noble, Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Bucharest. The talks between the two officials took place today, February the 5th, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and covered important topics for the two states, such as the Strategic Partnership and Brexit.

The constant and effective dialogue between the authorities of the two states in the implementation of the priorities of the Romanian-British Strategic Partnership was highlighted and, in particular, the very good cooperation in the field of internal affairs at the level of the profile structures was underlined.

Also, the joint efforts of the law enforcement authorities of both states were highlighted, in order to combat serious cross-border crime, with an emphasis on the need to continue working together at the level of operational structures. In this sense, in the next period will also be held sessions of experience exchange on relevant topics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ activity field.

Regarding Brexit, the interlocutors reiterated their concern for guaranteeing, on the principle of reciprocity, the rights of Romanian citizens in the United Kingdom and British citizens in Romania.

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