A crime group specialized in thefts, dismantled by Romanian and Belgian police

After a period of almost 4 years, in which the members of an organized criminal group of itinerant crime in Romania allegedly committed more than 100 burglaries in Belgium, at the beginning of year 2020, the Belgian police investigating the cases started the international police cooperation with the Romanian criminal investigation police.

images – https://youtu.be/57HMu89j15w

The exchanges of information thus carried out led to the formulation and transmission, in June 2020, by the Court of First Instance of Eupen to the D.I.I.C.O.T. – The Central Structure of a European Investigation Order to help document and resolve the Belgian case in the criminal case.

In fact, these are crimes of forming an organized criminal group and aggravated theft detained by Romanian citizens, domiciled in Buzau County, who, between March 2016 and 2020, allegedly committed more than 100 thefts (where would be stolen, among other things, boat engines, power tools, gardening tools, bicycles, machine tools, fishing tools, lawn mowers and tractors), the total damage being approximately 500,000 euros.

On September 8th, 2020, in Buzau County, an action was organized, in which the criminal investigation police of I.P.J. Buzau, with the support of the officers of the Criminal Investigations Directorate of the I.G.P.R. and with the participation of two case police officers from Belgium, together with the D.I.I.C.O.T., they conducted 11 home searches of 9 homes and 2 companies, where there were indications that the persons in question had transported and stored part of the proceeds of crime.

Also, 10 people (including 4 witnesses) were heard, in order to continue the investigations together with the Belgian authorities.

The activities were carried out with the support of forensic scientists, Special Action Service police officers and other structures within the I.P.J. Buzau.

Following the home searches, more than 130 goods were found and seized, of which it has already been established that some come from thefts committed in Belgium (tools, bicycles, fishing tools, etc.).

The recovered goods have already been sent to Belgium, where the judicial authorities will order restitution measures to the injured persons or clarify their situation.

The joint investigations continue, criminal prosecution activities being carried out in the context of international judicial cooperation under the coordination of the D.I.I.C.O.T.

The dissolving of this criminal group is a priority activity for the Romanian Police and the Belgian Police within the EMPACT – OPC project, being an action of interest at European level provided in the annual operational plan 2020.

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