Official Romanian-Hungarian conversations on the free movement of Romanian citizens

This morning, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Ion Marcel VELA, had a telephone conversation with his Hungarian counterpart, Sandor PINTER, in the context of traffic restrictions for foreign citizens imposed by the Hungarian authorities, starting with September 1st, 2020.

The two dignitaries discussed together the measures that can be put in place by the Hungarian side.

At the proposal of the Romanian side, Hungary agreed to keep in operation four more border crossing points, in addition to the eight initially communicated.

Thus, the following border crossing points are open for the transit of Romanian citizens:

  1. PETEA – CSENGERSIMA, intended for the international trafficking of persons and goods (transit);
  2. URZICENI – VÁLLAJ, intended for international human trafficking (transit);
  3. MIHAI VALLEY – NYÍRÁBRÁNY, intended for the international trafficking of persons and goods (transit)
  4. BORŞ – ÁRTÁND, intended for the international trafficking of persons and goods (transit)
  5. VĂRŞAND – GYULA, intended for the international trafficking of persons and goods (transit)
  6. TURNU – BATONYA, intended for the international trafficking of persons and goods (transit)
  7. NĂDLAC – NAGYLAK, intended for the international trafficking of persons and goods (transit)
  8. NĂDLAC 2 (motorway) – CSANÁDPALOTA, intended for the international trafficking of persons and goods (transit).
  9. CENAD – KISZOMBOR – intended also for the transit of cross-border workers
  10. CURTICI – LOKOSHAZA (railway)
  11. SĂCUIENI – LETAVERTES – intended for all types of traffic
  12. SALONTA – MEHKERE – intended also for the transit of cross-border workers


International freight traffic will NOT be restricted, it will take place under the same conditions as before.

Moreover, the two ministers also agreed to the operationalization in the shortest time of the new PTF Borș II, which will be inaugurated on September 4, 2020.

At the invitation of Minister Ion Marcel VELA, the two dignitaries agreed to have a meeting in Romania at the end of September to discuss issues related to the bilateral relations between the two ministries.


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