Meeting of the Monitoring Committee for the implementation of the National Strategy against Trafficking in Human Beings

Following the efforts undertaken by the Romanian authorities, in partnership with those in the United States of America, to fight against organized crime, especially against human trafficking, today, 07.07.2020, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the fourth meeting of the Monitoring Committee for the implementation of the National Strategy Against Trafficking in Human Beings (SNITP) took place.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration, the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment, the Department for Romanians Everywhere, the Directorate for Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism.

The working meeting was chaired by Chief Quaestor of Police Bogdan Despescu, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Interior, as coordinator of the Monitoring Committee.

The topics included in the agenda took into account the stage of implementation of the National Action Plan 2018-2020 and the establishment of the calendar for the elaboration of the new National Action Plan 2021-2022.

Starting from the firm commitment expressed in the public space on the occasion of the publication of the T.I.P. Report of the US State Department by the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Minister of Justice, the Attorney General on the need to strengthen efforts to prevent and combat trafficking in human beings, as well as assistance to victims of these crimes, technical discussions were held on issues reported in international reports, prepared by both the US State Department (T.I.P. Report), as well as by the O.S.C.E. (Special Representative and Coordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings), Council of Europe (G.R.E.T.A.) and European Commission (Office of the European Anti-Trafficking Coordinator).

The purpose of the meeting was to establish concrete actions, as well as to assume responsibilities at the level of each institution, by presenting remedial measures, including the recommendations contained in the reports, taking into account the context and current challenges. The need for an open dialogue with NGOs was also emphasized.

In order to be efficient and to maintain an increased pace of the combined action of the authorities involved, it has been established the need for frequent evaluations depending on the evolution of the situation regarding human trafficking, and not only every six months, as is currently the case.


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