On October 21, 2021, at the MIA headquarters, Mr. Lucian Nicolae BODE, Minister of Internal Affairs, met Jean-Marie FIEVET and André CHASSAIGNE, deputies within the National Assembly of the French Republic. The activity was also attended by HE Mrs. Laurence AUER, Ambassador of the French Republic to Bucharest.

The visit took place in the context of the preparation by the two French deputies of a report about European civil protection and cooperation mechanisms between EU Member States.

Both parts emphasized the excellent cooperative relations, developed both bilaterally within the Strategic Partnership and also at the level of the European Union. Regarding the cooperation at European level, the Romanian dignitary mentioned that during the PRES FR of CONS UE the cooperation between the two states will intensify.

During the discussions, the main aspects of bilateral cooperation were approached, namely within the Civil Protection Mechanism, the current epidemiological context proving once again the need for cooperation between states, in order to overcome crisis situations. Therefore, the European Civil Protection Mechanism offered real support to the member states affected by the pandemic, Romania acting constantly and offering its help to other states in critical situations. Furthermore, our country benefited from international assistance after the launch of the Civil Protection Mechanism, in October current year, France being one of the countries that provided support to Romania.

In addition, the French authority mentioned that the Schengen file will be taken into consideration during the PRES FR of the EU Cons.

In conclusion, both entities appreciated the meeting as a constructive one, the two French deputies will have field visits and meetings with civil security authorities in Romania, in order to understand the manner in which the prevention and management activities, as well as cooperation within the Civil Protection Mechanism operate at national level.

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