Event dedicated to signing the contract for the purchasing of 2 medium-courier planes for patients transportation

Today, December the 17th, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Lucian BODE, attended the event dedicated to signing the contract for the purchasing of 2 medium-courier planes for patients transportation, worthing 25,200,000 euros without VAT, a technique that will be included in the General Inspectorate of Aviation within the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On this occasion, Minister Lucian BODE said: „The acquisition of the two aircrafts is part of a comprehensive endowment program, and it will continue, because the requirements and missions in which our structures are engaged are increasingly diversified and more difficult. For the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the safety and integrity of citizens is a priority, and by refreshing the fleet and equipping it with new aircrafts, many lives will certainly be saved. And when it comes to saving lives, I want to emphasize the fact that these aircrafts can also be used to transport medical teams and equipment, as well as organs taken for transplantation purposes. ”

Also the Chargé d’Affaires of the US Embassy in Bucharest, Mr. David MUNIZ, particularly appreciated today’s approach, which is a result of good Romanian-American bilateral relations and a strengthening of the strategic partnership between Romania and the United States of America.

The “AIR AMBULANCE” contract is part of the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020, with the goal of increasing the level of preparedness for a rapid and efficient disaster response of intervention crews and aims the purchasing of specific technical means and equipment, in order to to reduce answering time.

The two aircrafts will strengthen air response capacity and increase the availability of medium and long-distances aircrafts and will also allow for non-helicopter missions.

The necessary budget for their purchasing is supported in the amount of 85%, 126 million lei, from non-reimbursable external funds, the difference being completed from the state budget.

The process of renewing the air fleet of the General Aviation Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a necessary one in the perspective of developing the response capabilities of the specialized personnel to the missions of a special complexity for saving lives.

The contract was signed at the MIA headquarters by the representative of the contracted company, Fargo Jet Center LLC, Mr. Randall Scott JENSON, and the General Inspector of the MIA General Aviation Inspectorate, Air Force General Cătălin-Paul DACHE, in the presence of the Secretary of State, Head of the Emergency Situations Department, Dr. Raed ARAFAT, Secretary of State, Police General Quaestor Bogdan DESPESCU, General Secretary, Mrs. Stefania-Gabriella FERENCZ, The person in Chargé d’Affaires of the US Embassy in Bucharest, Mr. David MUNIZ, Minister of Investment and European Projects, Mr. Dan VÎLCEANU.

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