PRESS RELEASE, Strategic Communication Group, January 24th, 2022, 1 p.m.

In the last 24 hours, 12.082 new cases of people infected with SARS – CoV – 2 (COVID – 19) were registered, 2.006 less than the previous day. 688 of the new 24-hour cases were from re-infected patients, who were tested positive for more than 180 days after the first infection.

The evolution of the new positive cases from the last 7 days can be found in the chart below.

The distribution by counties of the total and new cases can be found in the table below.

No crt County Number of confirmed (total) Number of newly confirmed cases Incidence recorded at 14 days
1. Alba 37.696 271 6,65
2. Arad 47.595 303 6,41
3. Argeș 50.231 392 4,45
4. Bacău 48.000 288 6,32
5. Bihor 59.958 453 9,86
6. Bistrița-Năsăud 22.832 278 7,94
7. Botoșani 26.924 173 6,34
8. Brașov 76.566 208 10,04
9. Brăila 24.121 41 2,01
10. Buzău 26.679 108 3,53
11. Caraș-Severin 21.038 104 3,81
12. Călărași 18.879 86 2,48
13. Cluj 104.334 802 15,12
14. Constanța 79.124 741 8,44
15. Covasna 14.110 55 2,71
16. Dâmbovița 39.456 199 3,52
17. Dolj 48.691 283 3,38
18. Galați 47.916 192 4,06
19. Giurgiu 21.110 126 2,71
20. Gorj 16.266 66 1,96
21. Harghita 16.848 83 5,78
22. Hunedoara 40.412 148 6,61
23. Ialomița 20.650 41 2,70
24. Iași 80.281 495 5,34
25. Ilfov 84.630 545 11,07
26. Maramureș 38.280 483 9,38
27. Mehedinți 16.463 56 1,44
28. Mureș 44.229 216 4,63
29. Neamț 36.336 275 6,17
30. Olt 27.428 93 1,89
31. Prahova 68.559 366 3,98
32. Satu Mare 25.157 220 7,90
33. Sălaj 20.321 105 7,37
34. Sibiu 48.660 359 8,05
35. Suceava 48.241 225 9,12
36. Teleorman 26.099 44 2,16
37. Timiș 102.453 987 13,66
38. Tulcea 15.526 105 5,30
39. Vaslui 28.800 116 2,50
40. Vâlcea 28.615 86 3,78
41. Vrancea 19.676 135 3,28
42. Bucharest 342.883 1935 10,23
43. Abroad** 3.763 20  
44. New cases not allocated by counties  



 TOTAL 2.029.211 12.082  

*Regarding the “new cases not allocated by counties”, we specify that their number is determined by the changes brought to the electronic platform through which the test results for the new coronavirus are reported and centralized. Thus, according to the new methodology, the testing centers directly introduce the results of the tests performed, following that the epidemiological investigation will be performed at the level of the Public Health Directorates and the positive cases will be assigned to the county / locality to which the infected persons belong.

**Regarding the cases from abroad, these are cases of some citizens who came to Romania being infected in other countries. These cases were included in the total number of new cases not allocated by counties.

The coefficient of infections accumulated over 14 days, reported per 1,000 inhabitants is calculated by the Public Health Directorates, at the level of Bucharest Municipality and counties. Below you have the chart based on the reports received by CNCCI from the Public Health Directorates:

Until today, a total of 2.029.211 cases of infection with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) have been registered in Romania on January 24th, of which 31.897 are from re-infected patients, tested positive for more than 180 days days after the first infection.

1.820.743 patients were declared cured.

The number of people considered cured is the one from 23.01.2022, because today it could not be calculated due to some corrections made in the dedicated electronic platform.

Apart from the newly confirmed cases, following the retesting of patients who were already positive, 1.068 people were reconfirmed positively. The distribution by county of these cases can be found in the table below.

No. Crt.  County Positive samples at retesting
1 ALBA 8
2 ARAD 26
3 ARGEŞ 30
4 BACĂU 25
5 BIHOR 36
10 BUZĂU 10
13 CLUJ 41
17 DOLJ 28
18 GALAŢI 17
20 GORJ 7
24 IAŞI 61
25 ILFOV 69
28         BUCHAREST 245
29 MUREŞ 13
30 NEAMŢ 18
31 OLT 5
33 SĂLAJ 1
35 SIBIU 39
38 TIMIŞ 47
40 VÂLCEA 23
41 VASLUI 15
  Total 1.068

Until today, 59.588 people diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection have died.

Between 23.01.2022 (10:00) – 24.01.2022 (10:00) were reported by the INSP 41 deaths (20 men and 21 women), of which 1 prior to the reference interval, of some patients infected with the new coronavirus, hospitalized in hospitals in Alba, Arad, Bihor, Bistrița-Năsăud, Botoșani, Brașov, Buzău, Călărași, Caraș-Severin, Constanța, Dolj, Gorj, Harghita, Mehedinți, Muresș, Neamț, Prahova, Satu Mare, Sălaj, Sibiu, Tulcea and Bucharest.

Of the 41 deaths, 3 were recorded in the 40-49 age group, 5 in the 50-59 age group, 9 were recorded in the 60-69 age group, 10 in the 70-79 age group and 14 in the age group over 80 years.

All the registered deaths were of some patients who presented comorbidities.

Out of a total of 41 patients who died, 38 were unvaccinated and 3 were vaccinated. The vaccinated patients were aged between 60-69 and over 80 years and presented comorbidities.

There was reported 1 death before the reference interval, which occurred in the county Tulcea, in January 2022.

In the specialized health units, the number of people hospitalized in wards with COVID-19 is 6.370, 412 more than the previous day. Also, 629 people are hospitalized at ATI, 30 more than the day before. Of the 629 patients admitted to ATI, 547 aren’t vaccinated.

Until today, 11.595.121 RT-PCR tests and 6.932.761 rapid antigen tests have been processed nationwide. In the last 24 hours, 13.188 RT-PCR tests were performed (8.465 based on case definition and medical protocol and 4.723 on request) and 25.285 rapid antigen tests.

In Romania, 117.789 people confirmed with the new coronavirus infection are in isolation at home, and 6.282 people are in institutional isolation. Also, 84.095 people are in quarantine at home, and in institutionalized quarantine there are 62 people.

In the last 24 hours, 5.783 calls were registered to the unique emergency number 112.

As a result of the violation of the provisions of Law no. 55/2020 on some measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, on January 24th, the police and gendarmes applied 1.719 sanctions, amounting to 379.050 lei.

Also, through the competent structures of the Police, one criminal file was drawn up yesterday for the failure to fight diseases, a deed provided and punished by art. 352 Penal Code.

We remind the citizens that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has operationalized, starting with 04.07.2020, a TELVERDE line (0800800165) for which violations of the sanitary protection norms can be notified.

The calls are taken over by a dispatcher, in an integrated system, and distributed to the territorial structures for the verification of the notified issues.

Regarding the situation of Romanian citizens in other states, 23,859 Romanian citizens were confirmed as infected with SARS – CoV – 2 (coronavirus): 2,557 in Italy, 16,951 in Spain, 206 in Great Britain, 134 in France, 3,125 in Germany, 99 in Greece, 49 in Denmark, 37 in Hungary, 28 in the Netherlands, 2 in the Namibia, 12 in the USA, 9 in Sweden, 146 in Austria, 22 in Belgium, 6 in Japan, 2 in Indonesia, 75 in Switzerland , 5 in Turkey, 2 in Iceland, 2 in Belarus, 8 in Bulgaria, 49 in Cyprus, 8 in India, 5 in Ukraine, 14 in United Arab Emirates, 17 in Moldova, 3 in Montenegro, 218 in Ireland, 5 in Singapore, 5 in Tunisia, 14 in the Republic of Korea, 2 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2 in Serbia, 8 in Croatia, 6 in Portugal, 6 in Poland and one each in Argentina, Luxembourg, Malta, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Republic of Congo, Qatar , Vatican, Egypt, Pakistan, Iran, Slovenia, Russian Federation, Finland, Kuwait, Nigeria and Mexic. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) epidemic and until now, 201 Romanian citizens abroad, 40 in Italy, 19 in France, 43 in Great Britain, 60 in Spain, 14 in Germany, 2 in Belgium, 3 in Sweden, 5 in Ireland, 2 in Switzerland, 3 in Austria, one in the USA, one in Brazil, one in the Republic of Congo, one in Greece, one in Iran, one in Poland, one in Bulgaria, one in Nigeria, one in Turkey and one in Croatia have died.

From the Romanian citizens confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus, 798 were declared cured: 677 in Germany, 90 in Greece, 18 in France, 6 in Japan, 2 in Indonesia, 2 in Namibia, one in Luxembourg, one in Tunisia and one in Argentine.

Note: these data are obtained by the Romanian diplomatic missions and consular offices abroad, either from the competent authorities in the states of residence, insofar as these data are subject to public communication, or directly from Romanian citizens abroad.

We remind citizens to consider only the information verified by official sources and to call for recommendations and other information on the line TELVERDE – 0800.800.358. The TELVERDE number is not an emergency number, it is a telephone line strictly assigned to inform citizens and is valid for national calls, from Monday to Friday, between 08.00 and 20.00. Also, Romanians abroad can request information on preventing and combating the virus at the line specially dedicated to them, +4021.320.20.20.

Below we present the situation regarding the infection with the SARS – CoV – 2 virus at European and global level:

Between 13 January 2022- 20 January 2022, 71.650.086 cases were reported in the EU / EEA. Most cases have been reported in France, Italy, Spain and Germany.

As of 15 December 2020, the CEPCB has stopped publishing data on the number of confirmed cases and the number of deceased citizens, both in the EU / EEA, the United Kingdom, Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland, Andorra and globally. These reports are updated weekly.

Great Britain 15.217.280    (+599.966)  151.987  (+1757)
France 14.739.297 (+1.804.317)  127.638  (+1333)
Spain  8.518.975     (+747.608)    91.277    (+769)
Italy  9.018.425  (+1.047.357)  141.825  (+1953)
Germany  8.186.850     (+443.622)  116.081  (+1030)

Source: European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CEPCB) (

328.558.243 (+21.184.452) 5.548.696 (+56.542)

* Data on the number of people cured, reported daily by breakdown by state and globally, have ceased to be processed and communicated by the data aggregation center of this type, namely Johns Hopkins CSSE.

** Data in parentheses represent the number of new cases, between 13 January -20 January 2022.

*** CEPCB states that updates at national level are published on different time coordinates and subsequently processed, which may lead to discrepancies between daily data published by states and those published by CEPCB.

Strategic Communication Group

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