Press release

On 20.02.2023, the meeting between the Minister of Internal Affairs of Romania, Mr. Lucian Nicolae BODE and the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova, Mrs. Ana REVENCO, took place at the MAI headquarters.

This is the second meeting between the two ministers, in less than two weeks, in the context of the latest regional security developments.
During the meeting, the two ministers discussed concrete ways to strengthen operational cooperation, in order to increase the capacity of the Republic of Moldova to respond to current challenges.
At the end of the meeting, the two ministers signed the COOPERATION PLAN IN THE FIELD OF PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF THE MINISTRIES OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS FROM ROMANIA AND THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA FOR THE YEAR 2023. The document warrants the training, this year, on the territory of Romania, of 174 specialists from the MAI of Republic of Moldova.
The first training activity under the new Cooperation Plan starts on March, the 7th and its aim is the training of service dogs specialized in detecting explosive substances.

According to the plan, firefighters, policemen, border policemen and carabinieri of the Republic of Moldova will be trained, in accordance with the latest EU standards in the matter, in order to increase the level of resilience of the partner state.

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