Press release

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr. Lucian Nicolae BODE, had a meeting with Her Excellency Kathleen Ann KAVALEC, the new ambassador of the United States of America in Bucharest, on Wednesday, March 29th, 2023, at the MAI headquarters.

On this occasion, the two officials reconfirmed their commitment to strengthening the Strategic Partnership between the two states, all the more important in the current regional context.

The discussions highlighted the very good existing cooperation between the law enforcement agencies of the two states, the priorities in the field being pointed out. They aim to intensify the exchange of information to prevent and combat organized crime, computer crime, illegal migration, drug trafficking.

A special emphasis was placed upon the issue of human trafficking, the Romanian official stressing upon the concern for preventing and combating this phenomenon. He also highlighted the latest progress in the field, which also took into account the recommendations of the US State Department formulated in the Trafficking in Persons Report (TiP Report).

Another topic addressed by the two officials was the inclusion of Romania in the Visa Waiver Program, one of the priorities of the Romanian Government, on which occasion Minister BODE conveyed the determination of the Romanian side to complete this process as soon as possible. For her part, Mrs. Ambassador KAVALEC expressed her full openness to supporting the Romanian authorities in fulfilling the criteria for joining the Program.

„The USA is Romania’s main strategic partner and a particularly important ally. In the field of internal affairs, under the auspices of the Strategic Partnership, we have a very good collaboration and an in-depth dialogue. I convey the firm commitment to the further development of the Strategic Partnership between our states in all its dimensions”, declared the Minister of Internal Affairs.

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