The meeting of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Cătălin Predoiu, with his counterpart from North Macedonia, Oliver Spasovski

On the occasion of the Police Cooperation Convention for South-Eastern Europe’s Committee of Ministers’ meeting, organized by the Romanian Presidency, on June 20th-21st, 2023, at the request of the Macedonian side, a bilateral meeting took place between Mr. Cătălin Predoiu, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs, and Mr. Oliver Spasovski, Republic of North Macedonia’s Minister of Internal Affairs.

On the agenda of the discussions were topics related to the consolidation of regional and European cooperation, including with specialized agencies, the continuation of the exchange of information to combat illegal migration, with an emphasis on the destruction of networks of facilitators, as well as Romania’s willingness to ensure the transfer of expertise in the process of reforming the field of internal affairs and harmonizing the legislative framework with the European one.

Romania’s support for the European pathway of the partner state was also reiterated, as North Macedonia’s accession to the EU could bring economic and security benefits for the entire region.

The meeting between the two ministers was a confirmation of the very good Romanian-Macedonian relations, which experienced notable developments in the period 2018-2023, during which there were numerous visits at the level of decision-makers or experts, on various levels of cooperation both in Romania and North Macedonia.


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