Strengthening the cooperation between Romania and the Kingdom of the Netherlands: the meeting between the Minister of Internal Affairs, Cătălin Predoiu, and H.S. Willemijn van Haaften

On March 18th, 2024, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Cătălin Predoiu, had a meeting with H.E. Willemijn van Haaften, the ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bucharest.

During the discussions, the Romanian dignitary evoked the similar visions of the two Ministries of the Interior, Romanian and Dutch federal, on topics of interest at the European level, such as internal security and the development of the capacity of states to effectively respond to challenges such as pandemics, climate change, etc.

As far as the field of internal affairs is concerned, the cooperation relationship between the two Ministries of the Interior is very good and is particularly aimed at police collaboration, emergency situations and the fight against corruption, with the necessary prerequisites for its development. Also, the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Internal Affairs Predoiu specified the importance that the Ministry of Internal Affairs attaches to combating and preventing human trafficking and drug trafficking, subjects on the ministry’s priority list.

H.E. Mrs. Willemijn van Haaften recalled the main objectives of her mandate and the importance she attaches to the development of the cooperation relationship in the field of internal affairs. For the Dutch side, the development of cooperation between law enforcement agencies with competences in combating organized crime is of interest, the two sides having very good cooperation both bilaterally and within the framework of existing work formats at European level.

Regarding the subject of Romania’s accession to the Schengen area, Minister Predoiu mentioned the preparatory measures taken at the national level in the context of the elimination of air and maritime controls, starting at the end of March. These are of a legislative, institutional, procedural, technical, logistical and public communication nature and aim to adapt to the new operational and legislative realities.

The Dutch diplomat congratulated the Romanian side for the positive results obtained in the advancement of the file regarding the accession to the Schengen area, which are proof of the sustained efforts made over the last years and assured the Romanian side of the support that the Netherlands will continue to give to Romania for the extension of the Schengen communautaire acquis regarding land borders.

The Romanian Minister thanked for this position and emphasized the fact that Romania is a state that fights illegal migration, fulfills the Schengen criteria and applies the Dublin agreements exemplary among the Member States of the European Union and that the extension of the Schengen acquis to the land borders is an irreversible process that it must be completed as quickly as possible, both from the national perspective and from the perspective of European construction.

The Romanian minister also emphasized the interest of the Romanian side to intensify police cooperation to combat organized crime, drug and human trafficking, cross-border crime in general.

In conclusion, the participants in the discussions expressed their conviction regarding the continuation of the collaboration in the same positive manner and its development in areas of common interest.

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