Answers to the media questions addressed to the Minister of Internal Affairs, Cătălin Predoiu, and to the European Commissioner for Internal Affairs, Ylva Johansson, during the press conference in Sofia

Journalist: There are concerns that the removal of internal border controls as part of the Schengen expansion could weaken security and allow an increased flow of illegal migration and illicit cross-border activities. How do you respond to these concerns?

Ylva Johansson, European Commissioner for Home Affairs: No, I don’t see that risk at all. In assessing the situation, we do not perceive this risk. On the contrary, we see that some of the resources that are now allocated to internal border control could be used to strengthen external borders. And we have seen considerable growth and improvement at the external borders, and I expect that to continue. (…) We already have good protection of the external borders today. But I think we will be even stronger if we can redistribute the personnel who are now at the internal borders to the external ones. The Commission is also allocating additional funds for external border protection and additional staff for Frontex.

Journalist: How do you assess the current situation of illegal migration at Romania’s borders and what measures are being taken to counter these illegal crossing attempts?

Cătălin Predoiu, Minister of Internal Affairs: I will give you figures, statistic data. From the beginning of this year, until now, in Romania we have registered approximately 3,200 attempts to illegally cross the Romanian border. So, I repeat, 3,200. And this proves that there is no risk of massive flow of illegal migrants in this area. I am talking about Romania, but I understood that the same situation is in Bulgaria. However, we are taking steps every week to combat, to prepare to fight against illegal migration at the national, bilateral and regional level. We cooperate in our region with Bulgaria, Hungary, Austria, Serbia, with all our neighbors in general, on the eastern border with the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. So we prepare every day. That’s why we’re here, not just to celebrate, but to prepare ourselves. And as Commissioner Johansson said, we are better prepared than other European countries. That means we are not in some kind of competition. But it is a way to prove that we are ready to join with all borders in the Schengen area. With Romania and Bulgaria in the Schengen area, the Schengen area will be stronger, European borders will be safer and the European project will be more cohesive and solid and guaranteed for its citizens, all for the benefits of the Treaty and the rights conferred by the Treaties. Thank you very much!

Journalist: Mrs. Johansson, are you satisfied with the progress made by Bulgaria and Romania? Mr. Predoiu: Will you consider, together with your Bulgarian colleague, if you are not accepted into Schengen through the land borders, to remove the border control between Bulgaria and Romania, as discussed before the Schengen accession decision, on sea and air? I apologize for my English, my Italian is much better.

Ylva Johansson, European Commissioner for Home Affairs: The short answer to your question is yes, I am satisfied. I am really very pleased with all the improvements and progress made by Bulgaria and Romania, and thanks to the two ministers, who have given great priority and focus to their efforts. So, as I said before, these two countries are actually better prepared than some of the ones that are already in the Schengen area. So this long-awaited entry into the Schengen area is fully deserved.

Journalist: If we are not accepted in Schengen with land borders, do you consider together with Mr. Stoyanov to remove border control between Bulgaria and Romania on both bridges connecting our countries?

Cătălin Predoiu, Minister of Internal Affairs: First of all, I would like to emphasize again that we are prepared and we will be better and better prepared with each passing week. Secondly, we don’t consider other goals because it doesn’t make sense. It makes sense for us to pursue our purpose. And I am confident that together with the Commission and the other European member states we will succeed. And we will succeed, not only for the benefit of Romanian and Bulgarian citizens, but also for Europe. That is why I think it is not logical… we did not enter the European Union to isolate ourselves. We entered to build together with other member states a space for the security of our citizens, a space of security and freedom. And I’m sure we will succeed.

Journalist: What are the conclusions of the recent discussions you had with Austrian officials, including Chancellor Nehammer and Minister Karner, and how do you see the evolution of bilateral cooperation in the context of the Schengen area expansion?

Cătălin Predoiu, Minister of Internal Affairs: Our Prime Minister recently had a very good discussion with Chancellor Nehammer in Bucharest, our President, Klaus Iohannis, also had a very good discussion with the Chancellor and I recently talked with Minister Karner. This is the framework of the discussions. We are all on the same page in Romania and we are acting in a very European way, talking with Austria on a constructive basis, as we did last year. So, despite all the obstacles and despite some expectations, this approach brings results. In the end, we all see that together, discussing, negotiating and arguing, cooperating, everyone came to the same idea: to advance with two frontiers. I am sure that in the same way and in the same way we can succeed with the third frontier, the land one. It’s like in football. Once you use a tactic and have a good result, you don’t change the tactic. So I think that together with the Commissioner, with our colleagues on the JAI Board, including Minister Karner, with whom I have a very good dialogue and a very good relationship, we will find the right way to move forward, taking into account all the constraints. Of course, nothing is guaranteed, and that’s why we’re here. It is our duty to make the impossible possible from time to time.

Thank you!

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