Control Body of the Minister


General Director – Police Quaestor   Tiberiu GĂLĂȚEANU

Acting Deputy General Director – Police Chief-Commissioner Florin FILIP

General Directorate’ s Authorised Chief Deputy Colonel Viorel Lefterache


Audience schedule :

  • General Director – Police Quaestor   Tiberiu GĂLĂȚEANU

→12.00-14.00 hrs. on Wednesday


  • Acting Deputy General Director – Police Chief-Commissioner Florin FILIP

→10.00-12.00 hrs. on Tuesday


  • General Directorate’ s Authorised Chief Deputy Colonel Viorel Lefterache

→12.00-14.00 hrs. on Monday


  • Deputy General Director – Magdalena NICULESCU

                       →10.00-12.00 hrs. on Thursday



The Control Body of the Minister is the central operational structure, established as a General Directorate, without legal personality, under the direct subordination of the Minister of Internal Affairs (MIA), with general subject-matter and territorial jurisdiction in the execution of controls at MIA entities.

The specific control activity consists of quantitative and qualitative analysis, verification and measurement of certain performances, tasks or assignments, cross-referencing them against the planned objectives and the identification of measures required to maintain the normal state of operation of the organization during or at the conclusion of the control activity.

In order to achieve its institutional objectives, the Control Body of the Minister cooperates with the general inspectorates, the general directorates, the other structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as with the public institutions, the central and local public administration authorities and bodies on matters of common interest, based on the legal provisions in force.

For the purpose of implementing control activities in a unified manner, the Control Body of the Minister guides, supports and controls all structures with similar responsibilities within the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Control Body of the Minister fulfils its responsibilities in implementing the policy documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including the implementation of the internal/managerial control system.


The Control Body of the Minister has the following responsibilities:

  • plans, organizes and executes controls at the structures of MIA HQ as well as at the units, institutions and structures subordinated to or coordinated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to the legal provisions;
  • performs verification and control activities at the level of Prefectures, according to the law, as well as in relation to the state-delegated responsibilities of the authorized persons within the administrative-territorial units;
  • formulates methodologies and procedures for the improvement of the managerial performance assessment systems and the development of the internal managerial control system within the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • coordinates, monitors and guides, in terms of methodology, the development of the internal management control system in the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • conducts, under the supervision of the prosecutor, in accordance with the law, criminal investigation activities for the offences committed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ personnel, according to its jurisdiction;
  • in cases where the prosecution is carried out by the prosecutor, on the basis of an ordinance, conducts certain criminal investigation activities concerning the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • notifies the criminal prosecution body or, if the case, the legally authorized investigation body, on any data indicative of an illegal operation or act incurring criminal liability being perpetrated;
  • investigate the offenses and disciplinary misdemeanours committed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ personnel during peacekeeping missions, in accordance with the provisions of Romanian and international law;
  • analyses citizens’ petitions, as well as reports and statements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ personnel assigned for resolution;
  • conducts preliminary investigations of the acts that amount to disciplinary misconduct, committed by the staff of the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • recommends the initiation of the necessary steps to take disciplinary action against the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the acts that amount to disciplinary misconduct, provisioned by the legislation in force identified as a result of the control activities as well as of the verifications carried out in response to the complaints against the personnel;
  • resolves the appeals submitted to the Control Body of the Minister, in accordance with the regulations in force, in so far as it concerns sanctions applied by heads of units/commanding officers up to the level of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • conducts administrative inquiries, as appropriate, in order to establish material liability of personnel for damages caused to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in cases identified by the unit itself or in those assigned for resolution;
  • monitors the stage of implementation of the measures ordered/approved by the Ministry’s management and the Director General as a result of controls and verifications conducted at the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • operates and updates its own documentation database related to the carried out activities, monitors the implementation of measures ordered and the internal management control activities within the Ministry’s structures;
  • initiates or participates in surveys and reviews on the causes of the malfunctions and shortcomings identified in the activity of the assessed structures and personnel, in order to improve their operation;
  • draws up recommendations for drafting, amending or supplementing normative acts, according to its responsibility;
  • initiates and participates in exchanging of experience with similar structures from other ministries, at national level and abroad, initiates and implements, individually or in partnership with other institutions in the country and abroad, European funded projects aiming at the development of work-specific methodologies, techniques and instruments as well as advanced vocational training of personnel, including scientific research projects;
  • participates, as ordered by the Ministry’s management, to specific activities carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the enforcement of its legal tasks.