General Directorate for Communications and Information Technology


General Director – Police Chief –Commissioner Răzvan-Iulian JIGA

Deputy General Director – Police Chief –Commissioner Aurel NEDA

Deputy General Director – Police Chief –Commissioner Iulian DRĂGULIN


General Directorate for Communications and Information Technology (hereinafter referred to as IT&C General Directorate) is the central specialized unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), which ensures the organization, coordination and control of the Ministry’s activity in the field of information and communications technology.

The activity of the Directorate is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the laws, ordinances and decisions of the Romanian Government, the orders and regulations and guidelines issued by the Minister of Internal Affairs, the MIA’s Strategy Plan and Strategy Programme in the field of Information and communications technology, as well as the cooperation plans and annual programmes and is intended for the management of information and communications technology at the level of MIA.

Subordinate structure to IT&C General Directorate:

Directorate for the Management of Information and Communications Technology


  • organizes, coordinates and controls the Ministry’s activity in the field of information and communications technology;
  • coordinates the drafting and implementation of public policy documents in the field of information and communications technology within the MoIA and controls their execution;
  • drafts regular reports, assessments and overviews on the stage of objectives’ implementation;
  • coordinates the drafting of regulations, methodologies, guidelines and orders regarding the activity of information and communications technology within MoIA’s units, as well as of the higher-level legislation in its area of responsibility;
  • submits recommendations to the Ministry’s management regarding the conclusion of conventions, protocols etc. and provides a technical endorsement to similar documents concluded by other units of the Ministry with different bodies, in its area of responsibility;
  • drafts projections and feasibility studies, develops the strategies and the concept of organization and operation of the mobile radiocommunication systems, communications networks and IT systems of the Ministry, in peacetime, mobilization and wartime, independently or in cooperation with specialized bodies outside the Ministry;
  • coordinates the activities related to the development, modernization, procurement, investments and technical and material supply in its field of expertise, as well as those related to the operations of mobile radiocommunication systems, complex information technology systems and integrated communication networks at the MIA’s level;
  • ensures the management of the Integrated Voice-Data-Video Communication Network of MIA, the quality, stability and availability of communications within this network, as well as within the mobile radiocommunication systems set up and managed by MIA;
  • provides the channels of communication and data transmission necessary for the Ministry’s management to coordinate activities in special situations (large-scale operations for securing and restoring public order, raising the combat and action capability of Ministry’s units, emergency situations, mobilization and war);
  • coordinates the cooperation activities of the Ministry with regard to the communication systems, information technology and communication networks, internally and internationally; ensures the management of MoIA subscribers in mobile digital radiocommunications networks, as well as in the public landline and mobile telephony networks;
  • organizes, plans, coordinates and controls the activities related to the integration of complex projects in the field of IT&C within MIA, based on the advice of the Commission for Information and Communications Technology
  • certifies complex information and communication technology systems, hardware and basic and customized software applications to be used in MIA;
  • implements, in its capacity as integrator established by specific regulations, complex information and communication technology systems in order to support operational missions of the Ministry and the cooperation activities with other Romanian or foreign institutions (from EU, NATO and the Schengen Area);
  • carries out, coordinates and supervises the implementation of the process automation concept at the level of MIA’s HQ, for which purpose it carries out reviews, documentation, marketing studies, draws up project fiches for financing and participates, according to its responsibilities, to the specific activities that will take place in the framework of the implementation projects for the Integrated Information System at the level of MIA’s HQ;
  • manages the Central PKI Certification Authority (Public Key Infrastructure) and the Certification Authority of MIA’s HQ;
  • conducts field collection of topographic data and their processing within the GIS systems in order to support the Directorate’s activity;
  • coordinates the implementation of the TETRA Joint Platform subsystems managed by MIA and submits reccomandations in order to ensure the interoperability of the infrastructure and the avoidance of investment overlapping with other beceficiary institutions within the Defense, Public Order and National Security System;
  • cooperates with the structures within DPONSS in order to carry out its specific tasks, according to the provisions of the regulations in force;
  • follows up, on a permanent basis, independently or through MIA’s Standardization Commission, issues related to the standardization, connectivity and interoperability of IT&C systems, by means of applying established regulations at national, European and international level, or by means of drafting internal regulations;
  • ensures the correlation, coherence and prioritization of programmes and projects in the field of information and communication technology within MIA;
  • conducts specific activities related to public procurement procedures for projects funded from different sources;
  • manages the IT&C development and modernization programmes within MoIA;
  • identifies, substantiates and formulates drafts IT&C programmes and projects, interdisciplinary projects with a either significant IT&C component of related to this field;
  • manages the Directorate’s IT&C projects and contracts through the implementation of prerequisite planning activities;
  • participates in internal and interministerial working groups for analysis, design, execution and implementation of communication and information systems and other areas of responsibility;
  • coordinates the organization, planning and carrying out of vocational courses for all IT&C personnel within the Ministry of Internal Affairs’s units; substantiates and submits for approval the Annual Training Plan according to the specific needs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs’s units.