Information and Public Relation Directorate


Director – Police Quaestor Eduard IONESCU

Deputy Director – Police Chief – Commissioner Monica DAJBOG


Information and Public Relations Directorate is a specialized body of MIA Headquarters responsible for drafting, organizing, managing and supervision of public relations and information activity, decision-making transparency, publication editing, producing audio-video specific films and documentaries, religious assistance as well as regular analyses of the reflection in the media of the missions and activities carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ personnel.

Information and Public Relations Directorate is organized and functions based on the Government Ordinance No.416/2007 on the organizational chart and personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, amended and supplemented (the Government Ordinance No. 732 of July 26th 2010 on modifying the Government Ordinance No. 416/2007 being the most recent regulation on the organizational chart of MIA).

The general objective of the Directorate is to provide the citizens with timely, opportune, accurate and balanced information with regard to the institutional endeavours and courses of action established through policy documents, implemented by MIA, as well as to coordinate the public relations and information activity and the religious assistance at the level of the Ministry.

Structures subordinated to Public Relations and Information Directorate

  • Multimedia Centre
  • Cultural Centre


  • increasing the awareness of MIA’s personnel, population and all those concerned on the status and progress of the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ activities in exercising its responsibilities in the fields of public administration and public order and safety;
  • securing, based on the dialogue with other institutions, local communities, civil society representatives and citizens, of the public support necessary to back the institutional efforts in achieving the goals set through Government Programme;
  • managing and promoting a domestic and international institutional image, worthy of the social importance and role of MIA and its structures;
  • taking part in promoting Romania’s image worldwide, together with other state structures, and cooperating in the field of communication with similar structures from EU member states;
  • ensuring the transparency of MIA’s transparency by means of organizing press conferences held by the Ministry’s management and the spokesperson, as well as briefings of the spokesperson on various domestic and international topics;
  • supporting, by means of its own media channels, the endeavour of informing the population in the field of law and crime-combating, identification and assessment of the means and methods to raise public awareness on the limitations of the exercise of certain civil rights and liberties while trying to actively involve the citizens in the prevention and fight against antisocial acts;
  • providing religious assistance to MIA’s personnel, by preserving religious, cultural and spiritual traditions.

Audience schedule

Director –14.00-16.00 hrs., on Wednesdays ;
Deputy director, second in line of command, 14.00-16.00 hrs., on Thursdays;
Deputy director, third in line of command, 14.00-16.00 hrs., on Tuesdays;
The Secretariat Compartment registers and accompanies the persons who submit

Contact details

Address: Piaţa Revoluţiei, no.1 A, sector 1, Bucharest
Phone / Fax: