Meeting of Minister Ion Marcel Vela with the US Ambassador to Bucharest

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr. Ion Marcel VELA, met on Tuesday, June 9th, 2020, with His Excellency Mr. Adrian ZUCKERMAN, Ambassador of the United States of America in Romania.

On the occasion of this meeting, which took place at the MIA headquarters, the two officials discussed the collaboration between Romania and the USA in the context of the pandemic with the new type of Coronavirus.

Regarding the aspects of the internal affairs plan, during the discussions, the very good cooperation between the Romanian and American authorities in the field of security was highlighted, with an emphasis on preventing and combating crime, migration and human trafficking.

At the same time, the need to intensify relations between the two states in accordance with the main directions established by the Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership for the 21st Century was stressed, given that the development of the Strategic Partnership with the US is a priority objective of the Romanian Government.

An important topic on the agenda was the inclusion of Romania in the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), on which occasion Minister Ion Marcel Vela reaffirmed the determination of the Romanian authorities to continue efforts to include our country in the VWP.

As a sign of appreciation, the Romanian Minister offered the Plaque of Honor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ambassador of the United States of America.

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