Official meeting of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Cătălin Predoiu, with H.E. Mrs. Laurence Auer, ambassador of the French Republic in Bucharest

On Wednesday June 28th, 2023, Mr. Cătălin Predoiu, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs, had a meeting with H.E. Mrs. Laurence Auer, ambassador of the French Republic in Bucharest.
During the meeting both sides highlighted the privileged relationship between the two states, that was raised in 2008 to the rank of Strategic Partnership. Also, in the field of internal affairs, bilateral cooperation is extremely consistent, with an emphasis on police collaboration at the level of the Gendarmerie, as well as in the field of emergency situations.
The participants to the discussions highlighted the many existing security challenges, with states having to develop cooperation formats both bilaterally and multilaterally, in order to provide effective and sustainable responses. An example in this sense is represented by the operative missions of the Romanian policemen on the territory of the French Republic, which contribute to increasing the safety of the citizens of the two states and to the development of professional cooperation.
Minister Predoiu exposed the essential objectives of the MIA for the next period and underlined the determination of the MIA management to increase the performance of the operative structures in order to achieve these objectives. The two parties agreeing to establish a direct dialogue and a direct line of communication both at the level of the minister and and at ambassadorial level, so that there is a real-time exchange of information on this agenda.
H.E. Mrs. Laurence Auer reconfirmed the support of France and remarked the good existing cooperation between the two states in the field of internal affairs.
The Romanian official dignitary thanked the ambassador of the French Republic in Bucharest for the positive message delivered, this being a new example of cooperation and support between two genuine strategic partners.


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