Official meeting of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Cătălin Predoiu, with HE Mr. José Antonio Hernández Pérez-Solórzano, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain in Bucharest

On June, 28th, 2023, there was an official meeting between Mr. Cătălin Predoiu, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Internal Affairs, with HE Mr. José Antonio Hernández Pérez-Solórzano, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain in Bucharest, the country that will hold the rotating Presidency of the EU during July1st – December 31st, 2023.

During the discussions, the very good cooperation relations in the field of internal affairs, carried out within the framework of the Strategic Partnership between the two countries, were evoked.

The high level of cooperation at the EU level was mentioned and in the context of the Kingdom of Spain taking over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the two parties establishing a mutual support of the objectives of interest, both within the bilateral relationship and in the context of the agenda priorities during the Spanish presidency.

The role of Romanian citizens residing in Spain in the establishment and development of the special relationship between the two countries was also emphasized.

At the proposal of Minister Predoiu, the two parties agreed to establish a permanent and direct dialogue both with the Spanish Minister of the Interior and with the Spanish Ambassador in Bucharest, so that there is an exchange of information in real time, in order to achieve the objective during the Spanish presidency.

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