Official work meeting of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Cătălin Predoiu, with H.E. Mr. Uffe A. Balslev, the ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark in Bucharest

On July 11th, 2023, a meeting took place at the MAI headquarters between Mr. Cătălin Predoiu, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Internal Affairs, and H.E. Mr. Uffe A. Balslev, the ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark in Bucharest.

During the dialogue, the very good relations between were highlighted the two states both as bilaterally and within the EU level, as well as the importance of direct dialogue at the strategic and technical level.

Minister Predoiu exposed the essential objectives of the MAI for the next period and emphasized the importance given to increasing the performance of the MAI structures, including from the perspective of border protection. ”Police cooperation has a very important role in the overall Romanian-Danish relations, based on ensuring a quick flow of information”, the Romanian official said.

H.E. Mr. Uffe A. Balslev reconfirmed the support of the Kingdom of Denmark for the achievement of these objectives and emphasized the existing good collaboration between the two states in the field of internal affairs.

The Romanian dignitary thanked the Danish diplomat in Bucharest for the positive message delivered, this being a good example of cooperation and support.

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