Official work meeting of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Cătălin Predoiu, with H.E. Mrs. Marjut Akola, the ambassador of the Republic of Finland in Bucharest

On July 4th, 2023, Mr. Cătălin Predoiu, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Internal Affairs, had a meeting with H.E. Mrs. Marjut Akola, the ambassador of the Republic of Finland in Bucharest.
During the dialogue, the two officials made an assessment of the political dialogue and the evolution of bilateral relations, noting the openness and availability of cooperation, providing support regarding Romanian citizens located within the territory of Finland.
Participants in the discussions highlighted the existing security challenges, with cooperation both bilaterally and multilaterally being essential in providing effective and sustainable responses.
At the same time, the close collaboration with the European agencies FRONTEX, EUROPOL and EUAA was noted.
On the bilateral side, the Romanian dignitary expressed interest in intensifying cooperation to pragmatically address any problems that might arise, including the prevention and combating of human trafficking, as well as specific cases, based on the requests for international police assistance sent through specific channels.
Minister Predoiu presented the essential objectives of the MIA for the next period and emphasized the determination of the ministry’s management to increase the performance of the operational structures to achieve these objectives, direct dialogue being essential for a real-time exchange of information.
H.E. Mrs. Marjut Akola reconfirmed Finland’s support for achieving these goals and emphasized the existing good cooperation between the two states in the field of internal affairs.
The Romanian dignitary thanked the ambassador of the Republic of Finland in Bucharest for the positive message delivered. This is a good example of cooperation and support.


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