Official working meeting of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Cătălin Predoiu, with H. E. Mr. Özgür Kıvanç Altan, the ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Bucharest

On July 13th, 2023, a meeting took place at the MAI headquarters between Mr. Cătălin Predoiu, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs and H.E. Mr. Özgür Kıvanç Altan, the ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Bucharest.

On the occasion of the Turkish ambassador’s visit, the current state of bilateral cooperation in the field of internal affairs and the prospects for its consolidation and diversification were reviewed.

The excellent relations in the field of internal affairs, as an integral part of the Strategic Partnership established in 2011, comprise many areas: border, gendarmerie, illegal migration and police cooperation. At the same time, the recent development of the joint training component in areas such as combating terrorism, organized crime and computer crime was underlined. The interlocutors highlighted the professionalism of the law enforcement forces of the two states in the context of joint actions, including in the effective fight against illegal migration.

During the meeting, both sides emphasized the need to strengthen and expand cooperation. Minister Predoiu mentioned the fact that Romania will continue efforts to strengthen control at the external border and the efficiency of migration management, as well as the fact that preventing and combating human trafficking, drug trafficking and any form of cross-border organized crime are priorities in his mandate, expressing his conviction that the Turkish side will continue to be involved alongside Romania in these efforts.

Ambassador Altan confirmed the willingness of the Turkish side to cooperate closely to combat illegal migration and other cross-border crime phenomena. At the same time, during the discussions it was pointed out the fact that ensuring increased security at the Black Sea is a priority for both Romania and Turkey.

H.E. Mr. Özgür Kıvanç Altan expressed his thanks for the support provided by Romania after the devastating earthquake in Turkey in February this year. The Romanian Minister of Internal Affairs assured that Romania will always be with Turkey and through concrete support actions in such situations.

The Minister of Internal Affairs relieved the need to maintain the dialogue, at the political and operational level, at the same level, given the common security challenges in our region. In this context, he thanked the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Bucharest for the openness and support given in the development and progress of cooperation in the field of internal affairs.

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