Press Release

On the 15th of November 2022, in Bucharest, the workshops of the Ministerial Conference of the Salzburg Forum began. This event is attended by high-ranking representatives from 9 EU member states and 7 states immediately neighboring the EU borders, as well as from the European Commission and also from among the most important European projects, regional formats and international organizations.

The event is held in the context of Romania filling the function for the Salzburg Presidency and has the role of coagulating common positions of the states, at a strategic and political level, based on the proposals of experts who, in the last two months, had meetings dedicated to the issues of witness protection, civil protection, police cooperation, border and asylum management.

During the debates, particularly important topics are approached, aiming the managing of the consequences of Russian aggression against Ukraine, managing overlapping migration crises and concrete measures to maintain security and stability in the Republic of Moldova and the Western Balkans.

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