Press release

On February, the 7th, 2023, Mr. Lucian Nicolae BODE, Minister of Internal Affairs, met with HE Mr. José Antonio HERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ-SOLÓRZANO, Ambassador of the Spain’s Kingdom in Bucharest.

The visit was mainly of a courtesy nature. The parties highlighted the excellent cooperation relations in the field of internal affairs, carried out within the wider framework of the Strategic Partnership between the two countries. The role of Romanian citizens residing in Spain, who form the first foreign community in this country and the second largest Romanian community abroad, in the establishment and development of the special relationship between the two countries, was noted.

The dynamic character of the bilateral dialogue was evoked, marked by the holding, on November the 23rd, of the first joint meeting of the Governments of Romania and Spain, as well as by the meeting, in September, of the two interior ministers.

As for the bilateral agenda for 2023, it included the visit to Bucharest, in January, of the General Director of the Spanish National Police and will include the visit to Romania of the Spanish Minister of the Interior as well as the General Director of the Civil Guard.

The Minister of Internal Affairs thanked the Spanish authorities, also in this context, for the constant and unconditional support regarding the file of Romania’s accession to the Schengen area and gave assurances for supporting the future priorities of the Spanish Presidency of the European Union’s Council, in the manner especially for issues in the field of migration, asylum and borders, which equally represent subjects of particular interest for Romania as well.

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