Press release

On 09.03.2023, the meeting of the Justice and Internal Affairs Council – internal affairs section – organized by the Swedish Presidency of the European Union’s Council took place in Brussels.

Romania was represented at the meeting by the Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr. Lucian BODE.

The following topics were on the agenda: the general status of the Schengen area; operationalization of the Schengen Information System; implementing interoperability; asylum and migration.

During the ministerial working lunch, the topic of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine was discussed from the perspective of the dialogue on internal security and the cooperation between the segment of justice and internal affairs and the common security and defense policy.

In the context of the discussion about the functioning of the Schengen area, the Minister of Internal Affairs requested the completion of the process of Romania’s accession to the Schengen area during this year, at the same time reconfirming Romania’s support for strengthening the measures necessary to enforce EU security. At the same time, he requested that the discussions regarding the expansion of the Schengen area should not be disturbed by the issues generated by those regarding illegal migration. Even if it is not on the migration routes, Romania will remain involved in finding solutions to support the efforts of the affected member states to manage illegal migration.

Regarding the implementation of interoperability, the representative of Romania highlighted the important resources that are allocated, at the national level, for the implementation of information systems and expressed the need for the operationalization of European information systems to be carried out in the agreed calendar.

Regarding the topic discussed during the working lunch, Minister Lucian Bode welcomed the launch of a structured dialogue with the Ukrainian authorities regarding internal security and expressed support for a possible EU civilian mission in the Republic of Moldova.

Regarding the subject of asylum and migration, the Romanian dignitary pointed out Romania’s willingness to be actively involved in regional efforts to reduce migration flows, a relevant example in this sense being the pilot project currently being launched proposed by the European Commission which will constitute a model of good practices in Europe. He also emphasized upon the close cooperation with the European Commission and European agencies in order to identify concrete proposals to support states affected by illegal migration.



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