Press release

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr. Lucian Nicolae Bode, had a working meeting today, on March 30th, 2023, with Mr. Fernando Grande Marlaska Gómez, the Minister of the Interior from the Kingdom of Spain.

During the meeting, the two officials discussed topics of common interest for the two states, including securing the borders of the European Union, the fight against organized crime, human and drug trafficking, combating crimes whose victims are children.

Romania’s accession to the Schengen Area was another important topic addressed during the discussions between the two ministers.

„Romania has an objective of major importance: acquiring the status of a Schengen member state. The evaluations carried out last fall reconfirmed the high level at which Romania applies all Schengen standards. The various internal sensitivities that one or another member state invokes to justify the refusal to welcome Romania into the Schengen area can no longer represent serious arguments. Romania and Spain are two states that have the same common objective: securing the external borders of the European Union. The specificity of the Romanian-Spanish cooperation is also related to the Romanian citizens living in this country. I reiterated the availability of cooperation, to come to the support of Romanian citizens living in Spain, as well as the Spanish authorities and Spanish citizens who contributed substantially to the integration of our compatriots. The Romanian community, very active and constantly contributing to the development of the Spanish economy and culture, represents an essential pillar of bilateral relations”, said Mr. Lucian Nicolae Bode in the press statements made at the end of the meeting.

For his part, Mr. Fernando Grande Marlaska Gómez reiterated the firm support that Spain gives to Romania in the Schengen Area accession process.

„I express the absolute Spain’s commitment, that dates back quite a few years, to the need for Romania to acquire the status of a full member of the Schengen area more quickly. Romania has done an extraordinary, exceptional job in this regard and has been doing so for a long time. All of us who want a solid and strong Schengen Area cannot understand this Schengen Area without Romania in it as a member with full rights”, declared the Minister of Internal Affairs from the Kingdom of Spain.

During his working visit to Romania, Mr. Fernando Grande Marlaska Gómez also participated in a presentation of the General Inspectorate of the Border Police’s Command Center.

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