The development of Romania-Tunisia cooperation in combating migrant trafficking, police cooperation and interventions in emergency situations: official working meeting between ministers Cătălin Predoiu and Nabil Ammar

Mr. Cătălin Predoiu, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Internal Affairs, had a meeting on Thursday, December 7th, 2023 with a delegation led by H.E. Mr. Nabil Ammar, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians from Abroad of the Republic of Tunisia.

The meeting took place on the occasion of the official visit that the Tunisian official is making to Romania, in the context of the anniversary of 60 years of Romanian-Tunisian diplomatic relations.

During the discussion, the two ministers emphasized the very good level of Romanian-Tunisian relations, based on the traditional bond of friendship between the two states, reconfirming the desire to give a new impetus to its development and diversification.

One of the topics of interest on the discussion agenda was migration, with the Romanian official stressing the need to intensify efforts to combat migrant trafficking, as well as strengthening the role of EU agencies in this regard. It also highlighted the need for sustainable and effective solutions for the management of the migration phenomenon at the source.

In this context, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Cătălin Predoiu, emphasized the importance of implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the EU and Tunisia on issues as migration, economic development and renewable energy, as an important step in managing the migration phenomenon.

In conclusion, the two officials expressed openness to continue cooperation in the same positive manner and to develop it in areas of common interest, such as education, police cooperation and civil interventions in emergency situations.


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