The official meeting of Mr Lucian BODE, Minister of Internal Affairs, with Mr Joachim HERRMANN, Minister of State, Minister for Internal Affairs, Sport and Integration of Bavaria, F. R. Germany

On Thursday, 24th of February 2022, the Minister of the Intenal Affairs, Mr Lucian BODE, held an official meeting at the headquarters of the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior in Munich with Mr Joachim HERRMANN, Minister of State, Minister for Internal Affairs, Sport and Integration of Bavaria, FR Germany.

In this context, it was emphasized that an important component of the bilateral relationship is the Romanian community in Bavaria, the German state with the most important presence of Romanian citizens – very well integrated and actively contributing to the wellfare of society.

The two dignitaries reviewed the latest developments and initiatives in the field of internal affairs, with a focus on preventing and combating cross-border crime and illegal migration, as well as permanently strengthening the security of the European space.

Discussions highlighted upon the need to strengthen a fair, resilient and sustainable asylum system, better protection of the EU’s external borders, faster and more efficient return policy procedures, more effective measures to detect traffickers, as well as a closer cooperation with third countries.

In this context, the MIA official highlighted upon Romania’s efforts to prevent and combat illegal migration at the external borders of the European Union, respectively the measures ordered to discourage secondary migration. At the same time, the Romanian representative reiterated that Romania’s priority objective is to join the Schengen area.

„I want to emphasize upon the fact that we are maintaining our goal of joining the Schengen area. Romania has assumed all the obligations deriving from the Schengen acquis, without benefiting from these rights. It is necessary for us to be recognized for the essential role we have in the security architecture of the European Union „, declared the Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr. Lucian BODE.

Particular attention was paid during the talks to the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine. The two interior ministers unequivocally condemned the Russian aggression in categorical terms and expressed their solidarity with Ukraine: „We are and act together in NATO and declare our solidarity with the people of Ukraine,” the two interior ministers said.

At the same time, Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann promised swift humanitarian aid and support, especially for countries bordering Ukraine. „We must be prepared for the fact that there will be refugee movements first in Ukraine’s neighboring countries. I agreed together with my colleagues interior ministers that we will provide massive support to the countries concerned,” said Joachim Herrmann.

 At the level of the two representatives, direct cooperation for the fight against cross-border crime and illegal migration will be continued, through the exchange of good practices and experts. Specialist cooperation on emergency issues with similar Bavarian structures will also be continued, in the context of the difficult situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

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